Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pregnancy: 30 weeks!

Only 10 weeks left!!  YEAH!  Here's an update on what's going on with Hannah and me:

- The fine hair coating, called lanugo is starting to disappear
- Survival rate = 95%. Of those, 25% have serious complications.
- About 15.7 inches in length, weighing about 3 lb
- 1.5 pints of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but as she continues to grow, that will decrease
- Her eyesight is continuing to get better, but she’ll be born with only 20/400 vision – meaning she can only see objects a few inches from her face

- I've been really clumsy lately - don't let me hold anything valuable!
- A little more emotional on occassion, like crying while watching a random tv show ;-)
- My belly is the size of a watermelon
- I'm still dealing with fatigue and heartburn...yuck!
- Still feeling strong kicks from Hannah!  They can be especially painful when she kicks my ribs.
- Starting to go to the doctor every two weeks now! 
We have a very full house and are LOVING it!!  My mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, their two little boys, brother, sister-in-law, and their dog are all here!!  Lots of air mattresses and LOTS of fun! :)

I hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS and will have a Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pregnancy: 29 Weeks

Just 11 weeks (77 days) to go! Time has flown by! But it's sure to start slowing down now. :-)

Here's a little info on what's going on with Hannah and me! Enjoy!

- She’s growing eyelashes, adding fat, developing her brain and maybe even dreaming
- Her brain can control her body temperature
- Her eyes can move in her sockets
- She has grown 1/4 pound in the last week and now starts a rapid growth phase, putting on nearly 1/2 pound a week! Tripling in weight by the time she’s due! WOW!
- 15.2 inches long, weighing 2.5 pounds
- Amniotic fluid is reaching its peak, partly due to the fact that she is urinating up to 2 cups a day
- Survival rate = 90%. Of those surviving, 30% will have serious complications

- Heartburn, OH MY! It's horrible! Mostly happens at night, but sometimes during the day too. Doesn't seem to be much of a rhyme or reason to it. I can't seem to nail down what causes it.
- "Supine Hypotensive Syndrome”: a change of heart rate and feeling dizzy when laying flat on your back–affects some pregnant women. I’ve been noticing this lately. I can't lay on my back for very long anymore, which stinks because that is how I am often most comfortbale.
- Fatigue is setting in. I have good days and bad. Fatigue was never really a problem for me in the beginning, like it often is for other women, so I guess it's catching up with me now.
- Kicking is getting more intense. It's pretty fun to watch my stomach move in all sorts of weird ways. :-) What's not fun is when she decides to kick me in my ribs...ouch!
- Peeing all the time! Seriously, I could go every 10 minutes!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Pregnancy Humor

Here are some fun jokes I found about pregnancy...thought I would share! :-)

Q: The more pregnant I get, the more often strangers smile at me. Why?
A: Because you're fatter than they are

Q: I’m two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college

Q: Does pregnancy affect a woman’s memory?
A: Most of the ladies I asked don’t remember

Q: My breasts, rear end & even my feet have grown. Is there anything that gets smaller during pregnancy?
A: Yes, your bladder

Q: What position should the baby be in during the ninth month of pregnancy?
A: Head down, pressing firmly on your bladder

Q: How do I know if my baby has dropped?
A: He/She will start crying. Be more careful!

Q: How long is the average woman in labor?
A: Whatever she says, divided by two

Q: Is there a reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife is in labor?
A: Not unless the word “alimony” is a concern for you

Q: I’m modest. Once I start to deliver, who will see me in that delicate position?
A: Authorized hospital personnel only — doctors, nurses, orderlies, photographers, florists, cleaning crews, journalists, etc.

Q: What does it mean when the baby’s head is crowning?
A: It means you feel as though not only a crown but the entire throne is trying to make it’s way out of you

Q: What does it mean when a baby is born with teeth?
A: It means that the baby’s mother may want to rethink her plans to nurse

Q: What's the difference between a 9 month pregnant woman and a super model?
A: Nothing, if the pregnant woman's husband knows what's good for him

Q: What is the best time to wean the baby from nursing?
A: When you see teeth marks

Q: My husband and I are very attractive. I'm sure our baby will be beautiful to be a model. Whom should I contact about this?
A: Your therapist

Q: What is the grasp reflex?
A: The reaction of new father’s when he sees new mother’s breasts

Q: Can a mother get pregnant while nursing?
A: Yes, but it’s much easier if she removes the baby from her breast and puts him to sleep first

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to act normal?
A: Possibly when the kids are in college

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Au Naturel

When I tell someone that I am going to try to deliver our baby naturally, these are the responses I get....look at me with a crazy look and say things like, "Well, good luck" or "Ouch!" or "Sure..." Since I became pregnant I have said that I want to at least try to have our baby without medication, however, I have also always said that I am not going to try to be super woman. I know my limits and if things are unbearable, I am willing to get an epidural. So, in my searches for advice about natural labor and epidurals, I found some interesting information about epidurals....

What’s an epidural?

The anesthesiologist or anesthetist inserts a needle into the epidural space, which lies between the tough, outer membrane that covers the spinal cord and the next deeper membrane. A tiny tube or catheter is threaded through the needle. The needle is removed and the anesthesiologist or anesthetist injects an anesthetic similar to those used in dentistry or, in most hospitals today, a mixture of anesthetic and narcotic (narcotic epidural) into the catheter.
There are two options once the catheter is in:

1. The catheter is attached to a syringe driven by a pump that gradually delivers a continuous dose. This technique is the standard because it provides steady labor pain relief. (Continuous Infusion)
2. The anesthesiologist or anesthetist returns to inject more pain medication into the catheter when the dose wears off. (Intermittent top-ups)

There is also something called a "walking" or "light" epidural. This is when the anesthesiologist or anesthetist may inject narcotic only, a very low dose of anesthetic, or a combination of the two in an attempt to achieve complete mobility with good labor pain relief. These variations are intended to leave some sensation and ability to move the legs. However, many women with such epidurals never walk, even when encouraged to do so. It was hoped that these innovations would achieve equally good labor pain relief while reducing adverse effects, but many women still experience undesired effects.

What are the effects of epidural on pain?
In all but a few women, an epidural can abolish labor pain.

What is involved in having an epidural?
You will be asked to curl up on your side or sit up with your back arched outward. Your back will be washed with antiseptic and covered with a sterile drape. The anesthesiologist or anesthetist will numb the skin before inserting the needle. You must remain absolutely still while the needle is in your back. One or more tests (such as pulling back on the syringe to see if blood flows in) will be performed to make sure the needle is in the right place. A catheter will be threaded through the needle and taped to your back to keep it from moving.

As part of epidural management, you will definitely have:
- an IV (intravenous drip): you will be given about a quart of IV fluid before the epidural is administered
- continuous electronic fetal monitoring (EFM)
- frequent monitoring of blood pressure, usually with an automatic blood pressure cuff that periodically self-inflates and records the results.

You are more likely to require:
- IV Pitocin (oxytocin), a drug to make contractions stronger
- drugs to combat a drop in blood pressure
- a urinary catheter for inability to pass urine
- a vacuum extraction or, less likely these days, a forceps delivery
- Controversy exists over whether you are also more likely to have cesarean section.
- And because you are more likely to have a fever, your baby is more likely to have blood drawn to evaluate for infection and possible treatment with antibiotics.

What are the advantages of an epidural?
- An epidural is the only labor pain relief technique that can completely eliminate pain without narcotics (a plain epidural) doesn't affect consciousness.

What are the drawbacks of an epidural?
- requires the presence of an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist: this means an epidural may not be readily available when you want it
- involves delay in obtaining relief: even when the anesthesiologist or anesthetist is in the hospital and not busy elsewhere, it can take an hour from your request to the time when the procedure is done and the medication takes effect
- changes the experience of labor: it converts labor and birth from a normal life experience in which you are an active agent to one in which the equipment (IV, Pitocin pump, epidural pump, electronic fetal monitor, blood pressure cuff, etc.) is the center of attention
- may interfere with your ability to move about: it numbs much, if not all, sensation in the belly, genitals, and legs, and you may feel groggy if it contains narcotics; these effects can prevent you from activities that may help labor progress
- requires or increases the need for other procedures: see the list of procedures, above, that are routinely used or more likely to be used to monitor, prevent, or treat side effects; each of these may introduce its own possible adverse effects
- can cause episodes of low blood pressure: this is a problem because it reduces your baby's oxygen supply
- can cause itching: this is a common, but generally mild, side effect if narcotics are given
may interfere with the pushing phase of labor: you may have difficulty pushing your baby out, and this phase may be lengthened
- can lead to serious tears in your perineum: this is the tissue between your vaginal and anal openings (this is probably due to increased use of vacuum extraction or forceps)
- can cause adverse behavioral effects on the newborn
- can cause newborn jaundice
- can cause life-threatening complications (dangerously low blood pressure, respiratory or cardiac arrest, severe allergic reaction, convulsion): the odds may be as high as 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 3,000 cases.
- can cause maternal fever: the longer you have the epidural, the more likely you are to run a fever, which can have its own consequences: developing a fever appears to increase your likelihood of birth by cesarean section, vacuum extraction, or forceps - fever in the mother may be associated with more babies being born in poor condition and an increase in newborn seizures
because fever raises the possibility of infection, babies of mothers with fever are more likely to be evaluated for infection; this involves drawing blood, and may involve precautionary antibiotics through an IV (intravenous) line; mothers and babies may be separated during these procedures

**First-time mothers tend to have more difficulties with epidural side effects than women who have previously given birth.

Of course, I realize that millions of women have epidurals every day and everything goes that's why I'm not completely against getting one. This is just something I want to try. So, please don't tell me I'm crazy or tell me that I won't be able to do it! ;) Give the pregnant lady some support! haha I may change my mind the moment I go into labor, but that's my right! I've endured 2 years of infertility and 6 months (so far) of a tough pregnancy, so why not torture myself with a few hours of extreme pain? :-)

Pros and Cons

I have been doing a lot of thinking about our upcoming birth and starting to get really excited! But of course there are a few nagging fears that come along with parenthood.

- A new and precious life!
- Unconditional love for our child
- Family getting to meet her (especially grandparents and great-grandparents)
- Ready for the next step in our lives
- Raising a child in a Godly home
- Teaching her to dance, sing, read, write, ride a bike, kill bugs for mommy :), and love the Lord!
- Loving her!
- Seeing a combination of me and Brian in human form! Amazing!
- And SOOOO much more!!

- Free time becomes a thing of the past
- Dirty diapers
- A lot less sleep
- Less money

But just today, I read this and thought it was really good..... (

The government recently calculated the cost of raising a child from birth to 18 and came up with $160,140!! That doesn't even touch college tuition. And that is per child!

But $160,140 isn't so bad if you break it down. It translates into:
- $8,896.66 a year
- $741.28 a month
- $171.08 a week
- $24.44 a day
- Just over $1 per hour!

Still, you might think that the best financial advice says don't have children if you want to be "rich"...but it is just the opposite.

What do you get for $160,140?
- Naming rights - First, Middle, and Last
- Glimpses of God everyday!
- Giggles under the covers every night
- More love than your heart can hold
- Butterfly kisses and Velcro hugs
- Endless wonder over rocks, ants, clouds, and warm cookies
- A hand to hold (usually sticky)
- A partner for blowing bubbles, flying kites, building sandcastles, and skipping down the sidewalk in the pouring rain
- Someone to laugh yourself silly with no matter what the boss said or how your stocks performed that day

For $160,140 you never have to grow up!

You get to:
- Finger-paint
- Carve pumpkins
- Play hide-and-seek
- Catch lightening bugs
- Never stop believing in Santa Clause

You have an excuse to:
- Keep reading children's books
- Watch Saturday morning cartoons
- Rent Disney movies
- Wish on stars

You get to frame rainbows, hearts, and flowers under refrigerator magnets and collect spray painted noodle wreaths for Christmas, hand prints set in clay for Mother's Day, and cards with backward letters for Father's Day

For a mere $24.44 a day, there is no greater bang for your buck!

You get to be a hero just for:
- Retrieving a Frisbee off the roof
- Taking the training wheels off the bike
- Removing a splinter
- Filling the kiddie pool
- Coaxing a wad of gum out of hair
- Coaching a baseball team that never wins but always gets treated to ice cream anyway

You get a front row seat to history to witness:
- The first step
- The first word
- The first bra
- The first date
- The first time behind the wheel

You get to be immortal. You get another branch added to your family tree, and if you're blessed enough, a long list of limbs in your obituary called grandchildren. You get an education in psychology, nursing, criminal justice, communications, and human sexuality that no college can match

You have all the power to heal a boo-boo, scare away the monsters under the bed, patch a broken heart, police a slumber party, ground them forever, and love them without limits, so one day they will, like you, love without counting the cost!

It's the best investment you'll ever make!

Any "cons" pale in comparison to the amazing blessing that our little Hannah will be!! We can't wait! :-)

Monday, November 16, 2009

"For this child I prayed...."

24 weeks marks a milestone in my pregnancy! According to the pregnancy books, our lil' peanut has reached the age of viability (the ability to survive outside the womb). What a miracle! Of course, our prayer is that she stays put for several more months!!

She has become very active in the last few weeks. It's so fun to feel her kicking and stretching and moving all around. I find myself worrying when I haven't felt her in a while...just one more thing I have to constantly give over to the Lord! ;-)

Overall, I am feeling good. I still struggle with nausea on and off and have recently started dealing with heartburn. I was also introduced to round ligament pain the other day! OUCH! But through it all, I am reminded of the amazing blessing this pregnancy is! Even when I have been miserable and stuck in bed for several days in a row, I am quickly reminded of the joy that our lil' peanut brings to our lives. After struggling with infertility, the Lord was so faithful to hear our prayers and open my womb.

So....the big reveal! What are we naming our lil' peanut????

We chose our lil' peanut's name for several reasons, but one main one. While struggling with infertility, the Lord lead me to His word for comfort in 1 Samuel 1 & 2. These chapters are about a woman named Hannah and her struggle with infertility. She desperately wanted a child. She cried out to the Lord and in due time He answered her prayer! 1 Samuel 1:27 - "For this child I prayed and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him." So, as a constant reminder of the Lord's faithfulness, we have decided to name our lil' peanut Hannah Grace! We chose Grace as the middle name for two reasons. First, because of the grace that the Lord has poured out on us in giving us our little miracle child and secondly, in honor of my cousin, Stephanie Grace. She is the one that introduced me and Brian! She was our matchmaker, so we thought it would be fitting to name our little girl after her! :-)

16 weeks to go and then our lil' Hannah Grace with be here! WOW! We are so excited and so overwhelmed with thankfulness for all that the Lord has blessed us with!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Half way! :-)

We have made it to the half way point in the pregnancy! Part of me can't believe we have already come this far and the other part thinks that it's going so slow. ;-) I just can't wait for our little peanut to be here!! Just a few more months and she will be! We are praying that she comes a little early. Maybe at the end of February or the first few days in March. We are also praying for a very quick and easy delivery. If you think of it, please pray for the same!

Our little peanut is beginning to move more frequently and her kicks are becoming stronger! It is so fun to feel her moving around in there. Brian loves to feel her move too! It has become a nightly ritual to talk to her and feel her kick. What a wonderful blessing! Tomorrow is a special day. We are going in for the 20 week ultrasound. This will be a detailed ultrasound of our baby girl. If we hadn't found out earlier, this would be the appointment where we find out if our lil' peanut is a boy or a girl. But instead, it will just be to confirm it. We can't wait to see our sweet girl tomorrow!

Today was a very special day because our good friends welcomed their baby into the world! Truss Sanders arrived this afternoon at 3:51 pm. He is precious!! We were able to go visit the Sanders' family this evening and got to admire their new little man. What a miracle he is! He is fearfully and wonderfully made. Tally and Truss are both doing wonderfully!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Get A Kick Out Of You!

Peanut is kicking!! I love this new feeling. I thought I might have been feeling her kick for the last few weeks, but just wasn't sure. But this weekend I was sure! We spent the weekend in Tallahassee, visiting Brian's sister, Julie. It was a great weekend with Brian's family. The best part of it all though was feeling our lil' peanut kick and being able to share the moment with Brian and Julie. It took some patience, but they were both able to feel her kick too. Right now they are very sporadic and light, but I'm sure it won't be long before they are taking my breath away. :-)

Today marks the end of my 19th week of pregnancy. I can hardly believe that I am almost half way through! I am pretty sure that I am out of the vomit phase, which is wonderful! And my belly is growing every day! It's definitely becoming more and more real! I am still feeling the nausea on and off, but not nearly as bad as it once was. I am hoping to be able to stop taking Zofran in the next few weeks. I have cut down my dosage to just 1/3 of a pill every morning. At such a low dose, I'm pretty sure it's just a placebo affect, but I don't want to take any chances just yet. :-) One other change of late is the onset of pregnancy brain! It is no joke. Just now I noticed that my wedding rings weren't on my finger. I had absolutely no idea where they were. We spent a few minutes searching for them and ended up finding them in the car! I had taken them off to put lotion on and left them in the there! YIKES! I am never forgetful...this is definitely something new for me. Hopefully my brain will return to full function after this baby is born. HAHA

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's a GIRL!

It was no surprise to us that we are having a GIRL! For some reason, we both knew it was a girl since day one. But it was fun to have our thoughts confirmed. Brian's parents come up for the weekend to be a part of the special day and his little sister, Julie, surprised us by coming too! :) We woke up early on Saturday morning and headed for our appointment at the 3D imaging place. We decided to do an elective ultrasound so that we could find out the gender of our peanut earlier. I was 15 weeks and 6 days on the day of this ultrasound. I will have to wait until I am 20+ weeks to have another ultrasound at my doctor's office. Even though we did the ultrasound earlier than the doctor's office normally likes to, there was no denying that our lil' peanut is a girl! What a memorable moment. I am so glad that Brian got the whole thing on video! Check out the video:

Monday, August 31, 2009

We ♥ You!

Today was an amazing day! We heard our lil' peanut's heartbeat for the first time! It was beautiful!!!! It took the doctor a minute to find it because our peanut was hiding, but when she found it, my heart skipped a beat. It was definitely a moment I will never forget.
We are officially in the second trimester! Overall, I am still feeling sick, but I do think that it is getting better. I had a few days last week where I felt pretty good, so I am hopeful! :) Time has gone by fast and I can hardly believe that I am 1/3 of the way through with this pregnancy. As much as I love being pregnant, I just can't wait to meet our lil' peanut! I am so thankful for the miracle of life growing inside me!!
I am really enjoying the Fall weather we are having in Atlanta. It is beautiful! It makes me so excited for the season that is approaching. I LOVE FALL!!!! My favorite season will be even better this year...with a belly! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pregnancy: 11 weeks!

Praise the Lord, I am starting to feel a little better!!!! YEAH! :) It's been a tough 6 weeks or so, but I am hopeful that I am on the upswing. I have felt a little better for the past 4 days and haven't thrown up in 4 days either! What a blessing! :) I am now down about 10 pounds since first finding out I was pregnant, but that's nothing to be worried about. I know that I will catch back up in no time. Despite having lost 10 pounds, I still have a small baby bump. It's amazing how much my belly has grown, even in the past few days. I feel like I woke up one morning and had a bump! So fun!!! The other strange "side effect" I am dealing with is peeling skin on my stomach. On the sides of my baby bump my skin is peeling/flaking (gross, I know!) Lotion seems to help, but I have keep applying it. I'm sure it is related to my growing belly and the stretching skin.

We had a doctor's appointment a few weeks ago and got to see our lil' peanut again! This time the ultrasound was done on the outside of my belly (instead of internally) so the picture was quite as clear, but he/she is definitely growing! I can't wait to see her/him again! Our next appointment is August 31. We will get to finally hear the heartbeat at that appointment! YEAH!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers! Keep them coming!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pregnancy: 8 weeks! :)

I am 8 weeks now and still praising the Lord everyday for the blessing inside me! :) I am doing all I can to stay positive and not complain! I have always said that when I did get pregnant I would be too excited to complain. I am after dealing with 2 straight weeks of all day nausea. I have only thrown up once, but the nausea has not let up at all. I know that this is a sign of a healthy baby, so I am truly happy! Other than the nausea, I haven't had any other bad symptoms. The spotting that I had a few weeks ago has completely disappeared, which is great news! :)

We have seen our little peanut twice now...what a beautiful sight! The first ultrasound was not very exciting, as there wasn't much to see. But it was very exciting to see that there was something in there! :) This is what we saw on July 6, 2009.
Then on July 17, 2009 we got to go back and see our little peanut again. My mom was in town, so she was able to come with us. We were able to see the heartbeat flickering away on the screen! What an amazing sight!
Today I started taking a prescription anti-nausea/vomiting medicine, called Zofran. I was really nervous to take anything, as I really don't like to take medicine if I don't have to. But I was on the verge of throwing up, popped a pill in my mouth and it immediately took that feeling away. I took it 3 hours ago and still feel pretty good! I am hoping that this medicine will help me deal with the all day nausea a little better. Hopefully I will be able to eat on a more normal schedule too.
Our next appointment is August 3. We are hoping to be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time at this appointment.
Please continue to pray for our little peanut!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Do you see something there???

WE ARE PREGNANT!!!!!!!!! It's so hard to even believe, but it's true! I will tell the whole story, but first let me tell you how amazingly blessed we feel! The Lord has been SO good to us! We have been trying to conceive for almost 2 years now, and we have been faithfully (though not always easily) relying on the Lord to provide for us in His timing. We give ALL the glory to the Lord for this amazing blessing!

So, here's the story....

I had taken a few pregnancy tests this month (way too early) and had started to get discouraged. On Wednesday night (June 24) I had just taken another pregnancy test, which was negative, and was really upset. Brian and I spent some time in the Word together (which we don't always do on a regular basis) and then got down on our knees and begged the Lord for a baby! We ultimately asked Him for His will to be done. Well, the next morning, I woke up at 4:30am and took another pregnancy test. I looked at it rather quickly, saw that it was negative, and went back to sleep, disappointed. Then, when I woke up at 6:30am, I grabbed the test off the counter and started to really look closely (as I always do). I thought I saw something...but just wasn't sure. I ran downstairs and said to Brian, "Do you see something on this or am I just starting to see things?" He too thought he saw "something" but we just weren't sure. He told me to immediately take another one. Well, the same thing happened...there was something there, but we just weren't sure. We were certainly a little excited because there had never been a question about if it might be positive in the past 2 years of trying. But, we were also cautiously optimistic.

We both went to work and then when I got home, I took another test. There was a line...still VERY light, but it was there. I immediately called the doctor's office to see if they could get me in to confirm the pregnancy. Then I called Brian to tell him to meet me at the doctor's office in a few hours. I took another pregnancy test at the doctor's office and it was also positive (although very light). The doctor laughed at me when I told him I had already taken 3 tests at home. He said, "You've gotten 4 positive pregnancy tests today. What more do you want?" HAHA I said, "When you have been trying for as long as we have, it takes some convincing!" I also had my blood levels checked to confirm pregnancy.

We spent the night in shock! We went out to dinner to celebrate and even stopped at Babies R' Us to buy a little something for the baby (a blanket, some bibs, and a picture frame to hold the ultrasound pics). That night, I woke up at about 1am to pee (that's a pregnancy symptom that is hard for me to get used to) and it really hit me! I was pregnant! I ended up waking Brian up because I was scared. Of course, his first concern was if everything was okay with the baby. I said that it was nothing to do with that...I was just scared of getting morning sickness! HAHA So silly, I know! But that was my biggest fear that night. After talking to Brian, he calmed me down and I was able to get back to sleep.

On Friday, I took another pregnancy test, which was brighter! :) I also got my blood levels back. My hcg (the pregnancy hormone) was 41. This was a little on the low side, but consistent with an early pregnancy...and it was definitely early!

On Saturday, I started having some brown spotting. That REALLY scared us!! I couldn't call the doctor since it was Saturday, so all I could do was lay around for the whole weekend and pray. It was a scary weekend, that's for sure. But I knew that since I wasn't seeing any red blood and wasn't having any cramping, things should be okay. On Monday morning, we went into the doctor's office to get some more blood drawn and to talk with the doctor. She was not really concerned, which was a relief.

We just got the blood levels back today and my Hcg has shot up from 41 to 492! And my progesterone is now 79! The doctor even asked me if I was taking any progesterone supplements, because she had never seen a level so high! :) Isn't it amazing how the Lord works! I was so scared for the whole weekend, and now He has shown me how in control He is! I know I should never worry, as He is in complete control, but sometimes that is easier said then done.

I am now in the middle of my 5th week of pregnancy and feeling far! :) Of course, I still dread the thought of morning sickness, but ultimately I want a healthy baby and will do whatever it takes to get there. I know that the Lord won't give me more than I can handle!

As of right now, our due date is somewhere between March 3-7, 2010. Our first ultrasound will be on July 17th! We can't wait! :)

Please be praying for our little peanut!